We offer customized on-site HIPAA employee training that saves money and time. The program can be scheduled at your location on a date that is convenient for you. We deliver training from 2 hours to 5 days depending on your HIPAA training goals and learning objectives. Our course outline is flexible and can be customized to meet your HIPAA training requirements.
The training program can also be tailored to meet your specific requirements ensuring that your employees gain the fundamental knowledge required to meet your organization’s specific goals and objectives of HIPAA compliance and audit.
The dates for the training are flexible, based on instructor availability. Our instructors have backgrounds in healthcare backgrounds with many combined years of expertise in HIPAA, IT security, and HIPAA consultants who help clients with their compliance processes. Our HIPAA training is updated for the HITECH Act of 2009, Omnibus rule published in 2013, and regularly updated as HIPAA rules change.
Who Should Attend Onsite HIPAA Training?
HIPAA on-site training is vital for all employees of healthcare provider organizations, health care insurers, and health care clearinghouses who come in contact with Protected Health Information (PHI). Annual employee training is essential in the areas of privacy and security.
The following employees are recommended to attend this comprehensive training:
- Employees involved & responsible for HIPAA compliance
- HIPAA compliance Officers
- Managers
- C-level management
At hipaatraining.net you get a one-stop solution for your organization’s Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) training needs for all your employees based on their job role. Contact us at (515) 865-4591 or at Bob@HIPAAcertification.net.